Project Fódlan (Tactical Roguelite)
Start of the Project : June 2024
State of the Project : Ongoing
Project Origin
Being particularly fond of the tactical genre and drawing a lot of inspiration from it, I started this project to practice creating mechanics and balancing for this specific type of game. The goal was to develop recurring dynamics typical of the genre while also seeking innovation compared to the current tactical game market.
Feature Presentation
Movement system
Movement and Positioning on a Grid
Battle System
The battle system triggers a mode where every movement costs Action Points.
Each movement or action in combat must follow a logical strategy, considering positions on the grid and external factors (e.g., cliffs, other enemies, etc.).
Attacking pushes the enemy in a certain direction (by 2 squares for a basic attack).
By default, a movement and a basic attack each cost 1 AP. This serves as the reference point for balancing different skills and environmental variations.
Example: A heavy attack costs 3 AP, and moving on difficult terrain costs 2 AP.
Player Detection by Enemies to Trigger Appropriate NPC Reactions
Inspired by roguelites such as The Binding of Isaac, the replayability of such a project would heavily rely on having a variety of characters and completing objectives related to them.
Thus, Project Fódlan features several characters (currently 3) with different starting equipment, combat conditions, and statistics.
To prototype different types of scenarios and better visualize them, the 3 characters are currently diametrically opposed. One focuses on combat, another on movement, and the third is a hybrid.
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Balancing and Dynamics
Desired Dynamics
For the combat phases, I draw significant inspiration from chess, emphasizing the importance of player placement and movement calculation.
À remplir
Balancing and Replayability
To balance the game, I aim to maintain a flexible approach, gradually planning features. This helps establish a foundation for a well-structured design project, which would become viable if the project were to enter production someday.
For example, I study the level design methods of the game Cogmind, which I find highly successful and relevant to my project.
Level Generation in Cogmind, followed process to understand the risks and how to address them through level design.